What is Gua Sha?
Gua sha online is the practice of using a tool to apply pressure and scrape the skin to reduce pain and tension. This action creates light bruising, which often appears as purple or red spots identified as petechiae or she.
The name gua sha proclaimed gwahshah comes from the Chinese word for scraping. It may also be called skin scraping, spooning, or coining.
According to conventional Chinese medicine, qi or chi is the energy that flows through the body. Many people believe that a person's qi must be balanced and flowing freely to ensure their fitness and wellbeing.
People also believe that qi can become blocked, causing pain or tension in the muscles and joints. Gua sha aims to move this blocked energy to relieve pains or stiffness. There's also the newer trend of the facial Gua Sha treatment, which uses a similar technique.
What are Gua Sha's benefits?
There are claims that Gua Sha can help migraines and neck pains, amid other symptoms.
"Just as our bodies feel stress in the form of shoulders hunched over a computer, or headaches from tension, our faces hold significance in the form of furrowed brows or clenched jaws. Facial Gua Sha is a massage procedure designed to reduce tension in the muscles of the face, increase blood circulation, and encourage lymphatic drainage to banish bloat. It helps break up fascia, the connective tissue that hugs muscles but can sometimes interfere with optimal circulation."
Uses Gua sha is most often used to relieve muscle and joint pain. Infirmities of the muscles and bones are known as musculoskeletal disorders. Some examples include back pain, tendon strain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Practitioners claim that gua sha can also help the immune system and decrease inflammation. Sometimes, gua sha is practiced to treat a cold, fever, or problems with the lungs.
Small wounds to the body, such as the blemishes caused by gua sha, are sometimes known as microtrauma. These create a reply in the body that may help to break up scar tissue.
Microtrauma may also help with fibrosis, which is a buildup of too much connective tissue when the body heals.
Physiotherapists may use IASTM on the connective tissue that is not operating to move joints as it should. This problem may be due to a constant strain injury or another condition. Gua sha is used besides other treatments, such as stretching and energizing exercises.
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